Thursday, January 22, 2009

The Ride of your Life...

Today I received a "forward" from my mom (who just adores forwards) about a bird and it's mate. I've told her before that I never have time to read them but she just keeps sending them! Well, today - as I was about to delete this forward, I decided to open it. Why not - it's a forward from my mom! LOL

Anyway, in the email were pictures of a bird and his mate (which was injured). Pictures of the bird trying to help it's partner, then one of passing of the injured bird, picture of the mate trying to "wake" the passed partner and one picture of "sadness" from the mate.

"Photos of two birds, said to have been taken in the Republic of Ukraine , where the bird tries desperately to save his mate. Millions of people cried after seeing these photos in America and Europe . It is said that the photographer sold these pictures for a nominal price to a famous newspaper in France . And all the copies of that newspaper were sold out on the day it published them."

Now, the reason why I'm writing about this "forward" is because I was thinking about my marriage. I love being married. I love having coffee with my husband in the mornings, late night discussions about anything and knowing that no matter what, him and I can count on each other for everything. a The last sentence on that "forward" was this:

Love is not finding someone to live with; it's finding someone you can't live without.

Yes, love is grand!
Within love, there are hills
of ups and downs. I hear that it matters most
when the two of you cross all those hills and valleys
and look back to see the most gorgeous view from atop.

1 comment:

Juliana said...

That was so beautiful!